Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:
Listen to The Breath of Time
Time floats invisibly with us through our lives, setting our rhythms, creating every moment. Can you hear it?
Click on the image and experience Breath of Time, composed by Joshua Hummel, made visible by the luminous watercolors of Linda DeHart, and digitally synchronized by Christopher Graefe.
Colors In Motion offers you this TOUCHSTONE to restore balance in those moments when the quality of your life is taking control over you. Place it on your Bookmark Bar so you can easily revisit Breath of Time, regain your equilibrium, and reconnect to your self whenever you like.
Experience how the unique moving art of Colors In Motion changes people's moods. Dedicated to bringing beauty and centered calm to our busy lives, Colors In Motion offers reverence and serenity that crosses cultures and speaks without words.
The Impatience Epidemic
In our culture of immediate gratification, we want — and expect — everything right now. And it works in reverse, too: others expect us to respond right away; it's an epidemic of impatience.
Some are taking a closer look at this epidemic. The "Lost Art of Waiting" was explored on The Early Show Thursday morning, January 20. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein and Erica Hill, CBS Early Show co-anchor, discussed how impatience is a form of stress. Hartstein said it's important for people to decompress and disconnect sometimes --- and just wait.
"Take a time-out from a stressful situation. Sometimes we can't (do that), but — maybe you can — find a happy place in your brain, take yourself there. You want to ask yourself the question, 'Is it worth it that I'm getting so frustrated?' "
"We've lost the art of waiting," she said. Hartstein recommends taking the time to stop and breathe.
So experiment with Colors In Motion; take time every day to slow yourself down, and see how it benefits you and the people in your life. This old idea may have faded from our culture for a time, but now it's being recognized as an important part of healthy living.
Your Comments on Taking Flight
Thank you to all who sent us comments on our inaugural issue of TOUCHSTONE, Taking Flight. We are as excited as you to be on this journey, and we want to share your thoughts. Here are a few of them:

    TOUCHSTONE arrived at the perfect moment as I had been working for many hours, and I went into a beautiful trance watching the featured video! It is mesmerizing...and I look forward to more. - JB
    It's terrific. I think it should be appreciated on at least a weekly, if not daily basis. - CC
    Beautiful! I played one of the segments for one of my classes at school after they had gotten all riled doing a dance. Excellent to center them again. - BR
    I am on my way back from Dubai, in transit in London, and just watched the TOUCHSTONE that you sent me. Thank you! It was wonderfully relaxing.... - FvP
    This is beautiful! What an extraordinary accomplishment. I have emailed it on to several friends who I know would benefit from receiving this each month. What a wonderful gift you have given to the world. Know that you and your work are greatly appreciated. - AA