Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:
Full Bloom Can Colors In Motion engage the whole brain?
As exploration into the working of every part of our brain rises to the forefront of research, people like Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor help us to know more clearly the importance of a healthy balance of the whole brain.
Dr. Taylor knows this from the core of her body and soul. At the age of 37, she experienced a severe stroke, while amazingly remaining conscious in her right brain throughout the shutdown of her left hemisphere, analyzing as it occurred.
Experiencing the world through only her right mind was transformative for Dr. Jill. During her eight-year recovery, she observed and recorded her journey. She found that the right brain and the left brain, while working in concert, have distinct personalities and perceptions. When the left brain was silent, her right mind gave her nirvana. As the left brain gradually came back "on line," she accepted the parts of it that she wished to keep, and let go of the egoistic, negative and limiting aspects that she found unpleasant.
In 2006 she published her book, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey, to share her insights and discoveries as she regained the use of her left mind and observed the "dance" of a healthy balance.
Experiencing Colors In Motion at the 2009 Planetree Conference, Dr. Taylor commented, "It has enough form for the left brain to engage, and it's abstract enough for the right brain to go in and play."
Her comment captures the spirit and nature of Colors In Motion. Our Creative Team has set an intention: to use our moving art form to help integration towards a healthy balance of the whole brain.
We invite researchers to consider the opportunity that Colors In Motion presents. Can Colors In Motion engage the whole brain? We assert that yes, this art form engages the whole brain through music, beauty, colors, motion, and images both recognizable and mysterious. We assert that this is a healing and healthful process that can be measured, and used with intention.
TOUCHSTONE: Full Bloom combines the work of five of our Colors In Motion artists: The gestures of dancer Meg Brooker reach into the meaning of poet Jeff Volk's words, all held by the encompassing tones of Josh Hummel's music. Chris Graefe composites the balance between object and space, using Linda DeHart's mysterious images of dance.
Integrate TOUCHSTONE into your day, visiting and revisiting, whenever you want an artistic interlude to restore, energize and transform your present moment.
(Poetry excerpted from "No Matter" by Jeff Volk. Music excerpted from "Haiku Symphony #3" by Josh Hummel.)
Transformative Stories: An Event of Uncommon Depth
On May 11, Dr. Taylor joins singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer at the Academi of Life in New York for an unforgettable evening of story and song, language and music, image and information, humor and human experience.
In "Transformative Stories: an Event of Uncommon Depth," Jill and Carrie will weave a seamless story of insight into the wonders of the human brain and the resilience of the human spirit, through their own stories of change and transformation, and the power of full brain living.
The evening is designed to be a completely enveloping experience for audience members. "Transformative Stories" is a multi-faceted, multi-media event where audiences laugh, weep, and ultimately leave the theatre aware that they have new tools for their own personal empowerment, authentic living, and a greater awareness of what it means to be more present, moment-by moment.
For more information and to register for "Transformative Stories," go to
Ode to the Brain
Now are you ready for some fun? There is currently an amazing video on called "Ode to the Brain!" by Symphony Science. It is taking a viral trip around the world. Talk about integrating right and left brains!
You can find it at