Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:
INVITATION INTO SILENCE We invite you into the silence of Light Dances, to enter beauty with your eyes, to feel rhythm with your soul. In July, at the Noyes School of Rhythm in Portland CT, Meg Brooker danced; Linda DeHart painted; Christopher Graefe videoed. Christopher then collaged the art forms through his creative mastery of digital compositing for this TOUCHSTONE.
Beauty is the fundamental nourishment of the human soul; in our modern existence we too often lose connection with our source. We move to an ever-increasing rapid pulse, multitasking, accomplishing, focusing on the next moment, the next day, and beyond.
TOUCHSTONE helps one reconnect to the present moment, slow down, and refresh; a different light enters one's day.
TOUCHSTONE is our catalog-in-motion, sampling diverse opportunities and our way to share the benefits of Colors In Motion.
TOUCHSTONE, the monthly offering from Colors In Motion, unfolds beauty for all our senses, exploring the depths of human experience through a spectrum of art forms...

Look for more Colors In Motion experiences on the website of Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Beginning this week, Kripalu invites visitors to "take a zen moment," featuring Colors In Motion's "Breath of Time." The offering renews each week for the next 12 weeks, alternating with moments from Wisdom of the World.
What a perfect blend: Colors In Motion with Kripalu's mission.
Visit Kripalu's Zen Moment and let them know what you think: there is a link to a brief survey where you can share your thoughts about Colors In Motion on that page.
The most provocative TOUCHSTONE we have shared is Deep Resonance, our July issue. Deep Resonance opens from a place of darkness and leads us toward the light. Composed specifically for Colors In Motion, the music expresses sorrow, pain and grief that live in the depths of our being. Recognized and acknowledged, they open in us an acceptance and a potential for greater compassion and self-healing.
Thank you to everyone who took time to give us your thoughts. TOUCHSTONE is our creative canvas, and your perspectives contribute to what emerges.