Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:
URBAN PULSE After a day of clankety-clank and hustle in the heart of the city, a jewel of beautiful light sparkles in the distance.
Moving closer... drawn by the calming colors... are they actually moving?
Yes, so slowly.
Entering, the space is filled with the reflecting color, 160 feet of slow evolution, from hot to soft, then cool, and back to warm, at once exciting and restful.
This is Colors In Motion at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Christopher Graefe captures the Urban Pulse, compositing a 160' horizontal reach with Linda DeHart's colorful abstractions to illuminate the welcoming architecture of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Josh Hummel especially composes the soundscape.
Colors in Motion is excited to share with you the experience of our work in this venue: a nearly 2,000 square foot LED-illuminated stage filled with beauty in motion, an oasis of calm. Where would you like to have such an oasis in your life?
Look for more Colors In Motion experiences on the website of Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. visitors continue to be invited to "take a zen moment", featuring Colors In Motion. The offering renews each Tuesday for the next 8 weeks, alternating with moments from Wisdom of the World.
Colors In Motion will be featured 4 more times:
- September 20-26
- October 4-10
- October 18-24
- November 1-7
Visit Kripalu's Zen Moment and let them know what you think: there is a link to a brief survey where you can share your thoughts about Colors In Motion on that page.
Josh Hummel, our talented and versatile composer, has received still more honors to add to his already lengthy list of recognitions for his work:

    - First Prize in the Austin, Texas Civic Orchestra 2011 Composition Competition for Haiku Symphony No. 2.
    - Premier performance of A New Splendor Arises for wind band, by the Colorado State University Wind Ensemble at the 2011 Aries Festival in Fort Collins, CO.
    - Second Prize from the Recital Music 2011 Choral Composition Competition for though poppies grow. Published in August, though poppies grow will be performed by The Giltspur Singers in London in February 2012.
Linda DeHart's work, Colors In Motion: The Human Journey is featured at RISD By Design, Rhode Island School of Design's reunion weekend, showing on Saturday, October 15. Linda is marking her 50th reunion with her RISD Class of 1961. Visit for more about Colors In Motion: The Human Journey.