Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:

Indigo Window
Colors in Motion was commissioned by Andrée to develop this inviting movie as the entry point into her website
Andrée has dedicated more than decade in service to this unique group of individuals some refer to as Indigos. Most have been born since the 1940's and all have extraordinary intuitive abilities. Andrée's guidance, consultations and therapeutic hypnosis has helped many of these individuals understand why they are here and what it is they came to contribute to our world.
There is a wealth of information about the Indigos, much of which challenges our current belief systems. is not so much about these individuals, but is a place for them to go for understanding, support, guidance and healing.
Painter Linda DeHart immersed herself in the story of the Indigos and emerged with this watercolor journey, created specifically for Andrée's vision and mission. Composer Josh Hummel's soundscapes imbue life into the piece, evoking a visceral response to this extraordinary journey. The experience is heightened by the masterful compositing of image and sound by Christopher Graefe.
We invite you to visit to learn more about the journey the Indigos are on. You may be one or perhaps someone you know may be.
Announcing our newest Colors In Motion DVD!
We are excited to announce the release of our latest DVD, "Inspiration", a collection of all 2012 TOUCHSTONES on one disc. Treat yourself to TOUCHSTONES whenever you wish, or share with others - they make a unique and deeply appreciated gift. Our DVD collections make it convenient to take a private moment for relaxation, to share an experience with someone, or to set an environment for a gathering.
For complete track listings and descriptions of each of our three DVDs, Inspiration, Bodies of Light and Invitations, visit our online store. Each DVD is $20 plus shipping.
A Shift for Colors In Motion
Beginning in 2013, TOUCHSTONES will shift to a new format, publishing bi-monthly beginning in February. Each issue will bring you a longer and fuller experience of Colors In Motion's portfolio of potential towards contracted artful content in motion for public spaces.
Colors In Motion Upcoming Events
Innovations in Watercolor
This 2 month exhibition features Linda DeHart's newest works, many used to source Colors In Motion.
November 6, 2012, to January 5, 2013, Viewing: Monday-Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.
LaCapelli Salon and Gallery
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA 02140
Birth 2012 Boston
The Flags of One Family on Earth lead in Day One of a new era for human evolution, a time to give birth to our shared vision of hope for humanity, sharing what's working.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
From 10am to 4 pm at Cambridge College
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138
From 7 to 10 pm at The Arlington Town Hall
730 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476
For more information, visit