Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment:

Jeff Volk's provocative and introspective recitation invites us to reconsider how we relate to time. Set against calming images of passing clouds, we are drawn in—invited to enter into "this place where we are right now." In this moment out of time, we flow along, as the scene shifts into exhilarating displays of Northern Lights.
Night sky photographer Dirk Obudzinski captured an unusually long and powerful aurora display at the Arctic Circle in Alaska on March 16, 2013. Dirk contributes his visionary talents to this TOUCHSTONE, writing, mastering, and producing the soundscape to accompany his cloud and aurora images.
Vivid and interpretive watercolors by Linda DeHart, inspired by a pivotal, life-changing moment experiencing the Aurora Borealis, culminate the experience into a brightening dawn. The artistry of Christopher Graefe achieves astronomical levels in compositing the elements of time, photography, voice, and imagery.
See this TOUCHSTONE woven into
Colors In Motion's first live performance:
"POETRY IN MOTION: Flowing Through Time"
May 3, 2013, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA

Our Colors In Motion creative team is honored to be a part of the Fifth Annual Massachusetts Poetry Festival. Andrée Cordella, our MC, will guide us through this multi-dimensional audiovisual experience — projected in grand scale like a planetarium — bringing to life spectacular Aurora cinematography and vivid watercolor paintings through the media of modern dance, live music performed by Josh Hummel, and original poetry recited by Jeff Volk.
While it may take some initiative for you to free up a Friday afternoon, if you make the effort, we promise you a uniquely engaging experience you will never forget! This TOUCHSTONE, Prisoner of Time, is our performance finale, which, when projected on stage in the auditorium, will leave you in awe! So, sit back and take in this powerful 15-minute out-of-time experience, and savor a sample of Poetry In Motion. And if you just can't arrange to attend the program live, we're documenting the performance, so inquire if you'd like to view excerpts.
Prisoner of Time
Prisoner of Time has yet to be released. This was written
from January 15 to February 11, 2013.
©2013 Jeff Volk
I'm really not a fan of time
its perpetual charade
masquerading as God's gift to man
while it sucks the life from all he's made.
There's no time like the present
in this world through which we roam
time just meters out our progress,
as we slowly wend our way back home.

Time won't tell you anything—
as it races 'round the clock,
each tick an echo of the pulse
that binds us firmly to this rock.
At best it might just show you
everything that's gone before
the panoply of history
the mystery of ancient lore.
Time will tease you in your infancy
test you in your youth
thrill you with its promise
while it hides from you the truth.
It won't be long 'til you observe
the ravages of age,
how time does wait for no man—
as it turns yet one more yellowing page.
There's no time like the present
in this world that we call home
just the fleeting flow of images
and the sagging skin upon our bones.

Eventually, you'll realize
time was never really on your side,
that it won't heal all your wounds—
at best, it only numbs the pain
and helps us to endure.
Time's not all that its cracked up to be
of this, you can be sure.
Though time is never wasted
it lays waste to all we've wrought
casting us unto our fates
with little more
than a moment's thought.
When finally, our measure's spent
once all the sand's run out the glass
time disappears without a trace
except those lines left on our face
reminding us of all we've loved...
of pleasures that can never last—
so we balm ourselves with memories
of all we're leaving in the past.
There's no time like the present,
the time we never seem to find,
for time is an illusion,
it's really just an artifice of mind.

I'm really not a fan of time
in case you had forgotten
for it turns the ripe fair fruit of youth
from succulent to rotten.
There's no time like the present,
no way for us to tell,
do we wend our way toward heaven,
or find ourselves in...
this place where we are, right now?
Will we wend our way toward heaven
find ourselves
in a moment out of time, like now!