Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment

The vibrations of harp strings, warm and resonant melting tones, are a fitting companion to Linda DeHart's surprising Swirl Painting Series. The marriage of these art forms generates beauty, intimacy, and a sense of connection to the divine, to all beings, to the universe. The score for this Touchstone is Catharine DeLong's original work and includes a thread of the Celtic melody "Mantle of Green."
As a certified Contemplative Musician and Music-Thanatologist* in the greater New York City area, Catharine DeLong serves the dying and their loved ones with harp and voice, delivering prescriptive music at the bedside to alleviate physical pain and emotional or spiritual suffering. Contemplative music creates a safe haven where listeners may set aside fear and anxiety, inviting them to be present to their end-of-life experience. A music vigil integrates silence as a vehicle for making meaning of both living and dying. "It is my wish to create music that honors the sacredness of life," says Catharine.
Linda DeHart and Christopher Graefe are the Principals of Colors In Motion, creating original artistic digital content that brings centered calm into people's busy lives.
Linda DeHart is a prolific visual/architectural artist dedicated to creating art that carries the viewer beyond the object, to a place of inner transformation through the power of beauty and colors in motion.
Christopher Graefe brings outstanding achievements in design and technical expertise to Colors In Motion experiences, as he interlaces the many dynamic art forms.
What arises from collaborations with artists continues to amaze Linda and Chris, as each Touchstone comes into form. With this 38th issue, Colors In Motion's Team celebrates 5 years of these awesome works of "art that moves!" People around the world have shared their experiences of uplift, joy, inner calm, and appreciation of artistry with the intention of entraining positive states of mind, resulting in a feeling of well being.
* "Thanatology" derives from Greek mythology, and refers to the field of death and dying.
Josh Hummel, Colors In Motion's team musician/composer, won the 2015 Edwin Fissinger Prize for his choral piece, "May Night" with text is from Sara Teasdale. It's premier performance was on October 24 in Fargo ND, by the North Dakota State University Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Jo Ann Miller. Congratulations, Josh!
Colors In Motion was present at the International Planetree Conference, Boston 2015. Samples of Colors In Motion were distributed to each attendee. Also, Medcalm displayed Fine Art Experiences that are available for licensing to leading-edge hospitals for use in patient rooms.
Our Mission
Colors In Motion® is dedicated to bringing beauty and centered calm to our busy lives by providing
cutting-edge environmental display content, which shifts people's moods in public spaces, to help
forward-looking facilities reach new audiences and clientele.

Help us connect with developers, architects, interior designers, and CEOs who are interested in shaping quality environments where peoples' experience of the place really matters.