Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment

Colors in Motion Touchstones are sourced out of fluid imagination, and created through well-tempered skills fueled by a passion to create beauty that carries the viewer to a place of awe and inner calm, composited from the original artwork of a diverse collection of artists over the years. All of this original artwork from our Touchstone Collections is available for purchase. Click here to visit Linda's website to buy any of the Vessel Paintings from this Touchstone.
From humankind's earliest beginnings, some of our first creations have been vessels designed as practical containers to make life easier. Our most ancient ancestors were swift to begin using the vessel as a canvas for art and creativity. Vessels can contain the waters of life or the ashes of death, and often, as in this poem by Kabir, have been a symbol of the earthen human body.
    Within this earthen vessel are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator:
    Within this vessel are the seven oceans and the unnumbered stars.
    The touchstone and the jewel-appraiser are within;
    And within this vessel the Eternal soundeth, and the spring wells up.
    Kabir says: "Listen to me, my Friend! My beloved Lord is within."
The vases in this Touchstone represent just a few from Linda DeHart's lifelong collection. While painting this last summer, the abstracted images of vessels and sprouts flowed from Linda's brush and palette as she realized that her own vessel continues to transform, grow and recreate itself. Linda acknowledges, "As I reshape my vessel, new growth arises through me into the world."
Chinling As the ideas for this Touchstone started to take shape, working with sound healer, spiritual workshop facilitator, and vocalist Chinling Hsu became a clear choice with her deep understanding of sound, through her voice and crystal bowls. Chinling's 6-track album, "One Sound", provides the two tracks for Vessels: Divine Mother & Toward the Path of Clarity
Chinling has discovered that sound and consciousness create the world surrounding us. One Sound is a love song dedicated to Mother Earth. Chinling recently found a lotus in her yard which continuously blossomed in the late evening, a testimony to the powerful vibrations of her voice and crystal bowls. She dedicates her love to Gaia, the Mother Earth, through sound, and educates people though her workshops and music albums. This is our fourth collaboration with Chinling, who also created the sound for Touchstones: Emergence, Expanding Horizons, and The Dream.
For more information about Chinling and to buy this latest album, please visit
Christopher Graefe's detailed combination of the vessel photography, paintings, and sound, represents a high-level of refinement in Colors In Motion's evolution of time-based art; an active expression of the growth and emergence in each of us.
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Our Mission
Colors In Motion® is dedicated to bringing beauty and centered calm to our busy lives by providing
cutting-edge environmental display content, which calms people in public spaces, to help
forward-looking facilities reach new audiences and clientele.

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