Touchstone: Experience a Colors In Motion moment

Ruth "My tongue became the brush.
Ice cream became the paint.
The heat of summer created Ice Cream Melting." - Linda
Near Linda DeHart's summer painting studio at the Hotel Pemaquid, Pemaquid Point, Maine ice cream stands beckon. Harbor Ice Cream, her favorite, drew her into a surprising encounter with a new way to perceive ice cream as an art form.
Her experience of Gifford's Mint Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Lover's Chocolate melting and merging and swirling into one another on a sugar cone soon was interpreted into 7 abstract paintings. Still fascinated with this sweet and sticky process, the following year, Linda chose to photograph her favorite ice cream flavors melting all over each other. Poised in the summer heat with camera in one hand and her rapidly dripping ice cream cone in the other, she was not sure which action, the clicking or the licking, was more urgent. A delicious mess and fun photographs resulted.
Very soon thereafter, on another hot summer day Christopher Graefe and Linda staged a video shoot featuring the same two flavors melting, moving and flowing down the sidewalk. "I've discovered a whole new way of seeing ice cream, as landscapes, so delicious - full of caverns, crevices, rough and smooth surfaces, and infinite possibilities." says Christopher.
With a broad smile and a chuckle, Colors In Motion team member, composer and musician Josh Hummel, offered to create a musical score especially for this Touchstone. The result is a sublime and playful ice cream "symphony" which conveys the sensuous motion of a profound transformational process.
Colors In Motion's Touchstones bring people to a place of centered calm by taking something familiar into the unfamiliar. Here is an invitation to relive warm summer memories. Take a lick and click here to share with us your experience of Ice Cream Melting.
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Colors In Motion® is dedicated to bringing beauty and centered calm to our busy lives by providing
cutting-edge environmental display content, which calms people in public spaces, to help
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